
Molecular Diagnostic

  • Rnase Inhibitor HC2010A

    Rnase Inhibitor

    Cat No:HC2010A


    Murine RNase inhibitor is a recombinant murine RNase inhibitor expressed and purified from E.coli.

  • RT-LAMP Colormetric Master Mix HCB5204A

    RT-LAMP Colormetric Master Mix HCB5204A

    Cat No:HCB5204A


    This product contains reaction buffer, RT-Enzymes Mix (Bst DNA polymerase and heat-resistant reverse transcriptase), lyophilized Protectants and chromogenic dye components.

  • Rnase Inhibitor (Glycerol free) HC2011A

    Rnase Inhibitor (Glycerol free)

    Cat No:HC2011A


    Murine RNase inhibitor is a recombinant murine RNase inhibitor expressed and purified from E.coli.

  • UDG/UNG Enzymes HC2021A

    UDG/UNG Enzymes

    Cat No:HC2021A


    UDG(uracil DNA glycosylase) can catalyze the hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic link between the uracil base and the sugar-phosphate backbone in ssDNA and dsDNA.

  • Bst 2.0 DNA Polymerase(Glycerol free)

    Bst 2.0 DNA Polymerase(Glycerol free)

    Cat No: HC5005A

    Package:1600U/8000U/80000U (8U/μL)

    Bst DNA polymerase V2 is derived from Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA Polymerase I

  • RTL Reverse Transcriptase HC5008A

    RTL Reverse Transcriptase

    Cat No: HC5008A

    Package:1500/15000U/150000U (15U/μL)

    RTL reverse transcriptase is an RNA template-dependent DNA polymerase that lacks the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity and has RNase H activity.